Thursday 28 November 2013

Hi Kidprentice here!

Team Monopolize are doing very well making dojos and have made 22 dojos so far, they will be selling them soon!

 We are team POW and are starting a new project that is... christmas biscuits! They will be gingerbread and shortbread.

So save up your cash and you can buy them both!

BY!!!! team POW

Thursday 21 November 2013

Nearly Time!!

In our club, our team (Team Monopolize) have been making little teddy dojos. Its been really hard and its nearly time to sell them, but we're sure that we'll make it.

On the other hand Team Pow and just finished there first project making £93.50,  and are starting project 2. They are making Christmas cookies hoping to sell like they did on the first project .

Kidprentice Out!! 

Thursday 10 October 2013

week 2 of planning

They now have to plan the final products for the dojo's. the dojos are not ready because the material isnt here yet!! Team pow are ordering there products for there amazing children in need wrist bands!!! We hope that they all sell and we make a good profit!!!!

Posted by Lucie :)

Thursday 3 October 2013

Guess what

Guess what! Team POW have now got their idea and I think both teams are great!! :)

Post By Team Monopolise

New kidprentice teams

Hello kidprentice lovers, we have got some new teams for our club.They are called POW and MONOPOLIZE!! Team Monopolize  have a GREAT idea , but team pow are not quite sure yet!

Kidprentice out!

Post by team monopolize

Thursday 11 July 2013

Bye bye Kidprentice!

Hi, Kidprentice here,
So, we've finally reached our last week. It's time for the original Kidprentice group to disband and go off to secondary school. We've made much more money than expected, given people bracelets and biscuits and have made a brilliant club. Team Spectrum and Team Fearless both say: goodbye and thank you so, for the last time,

Kidprentice out.

Cash for Kiva!

Hi, Kidprentice here,
    Team Spectrum have sold all their biscuits! They made a super £37.50 and everyone loved their biscuits.
All the money from both teams profit will go to an excellent cause: Kiva! Kiva is a business group where people get funded for starting businesses and then, when they make a profit, they give back the money with interest! Team Fearless still haven't sold their bracelets but have got loads of order forms to make for! 
On the sad side, this is our last ever enterprise club. We have only been running a term but it's already time to say goodbye!
Kidprentice out!